Matthew Vine


Matt Vine is an engineer, angel investor, product lead and quantum computing expert. Matt was previously the Sandboxing and Quantum Computing Domain Lead in Citi’s Innovation Labs. His role was focused on enabling fast Proofs of Value execution between startups and Citi business leads as well as leading the firm’s research efforts at the intersection of finance and quantum technologies. In addition, he has served in engineering roles on the hardware engineering team at Citi and in emerging technology research roles at Citi Ventures.

Matt co-founded a payments startup at Lehigh University where he graduated in 2017 with dual degrees in Industrial Systems Engineering and Business as part of the Honors Integrated Business and Engineering Program. Matt will be attending Columbia Business school starting Fall of 2023.

When free, Matt spends his time reading sci-fi books, hiking or watching stand up comedy shows with his fiancé.  He is currently enjoying the Termination Schock”  by Neal Ferguson.